Notice is hereby given for Annual General Meeting of Villa Peluzzi Body Corporate to be held on Thursday 7 July 2022 at 18:00. The meeting will be held via MS Teams. Please use the link, mailed to you by Huurkor.
Dear Owners, Residents and Particpants
In light of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”), please be advised that your participation in this WhatsApp group may result in your Personal Information being processed by the Body Corporate.
Body Corporate Villa Peluzzi processes your Personal Information lawfully, for the specific and lawful purposes relating to the Body Corporate’s functioning and/or activities, in a reasonable manner that does not infringe on your right to privacy and only if, given the purpose for which it is processed, it is adequate, relevant and not excessive.
Your participation in this group is voluntary and, as a participant of this group, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this notice and the Body Corporate’s Privacy Policy, agree to be bound by the terms thereof and give us consent to process and, in some cases, further process your Personal Information for the specific and lawful purposes related to the collection of your Personal Information.
You are hereby notified that you are entitled to refuse such consent and you may exercise such a right by leaving this group. If any of the provisions of this notice and/or our Privacy Policy are of concern to you, we request that you do not continue to participate in this group and remove yourself.
Should you have any questions regarding this notice and/or our Privacy Policy, kindly contact our Information Officer Gerhard Koen at popia@villapeluzzi.co.za. Sent by Jacques Bezuidenhout for and on behalf of the Trustees of Body Corporate Villa Peluzzi.